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The Different Types Of Eye Sugery

There are a number of different types of eye surgeries including refractive surgery, corneal surgery, glaucoma surgery, cataract surgery, and oculoplastic (cosmetic) surgery.

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Acne Scar Treatment Procedures

Acne conditions vary from mild to very severe, but it is normally the severe acne that causes scars to form, particularly the severe inflammatory nodulocystic acne. You must avoid pinching and squeezing the acne, because this can result in permanent scars. It is therefore very important to prevent the formation of acne scars by following an appropriate acne scar treatment. Keep in mind that acne scars could take up to a year to heal on their own. The most popular acne scar treatment procedures are: 1) Subcutaneous Incision 2) Dermal Fillers 3) Laser Surfacing Subcutaneous incision is also known as subcision.

This acne treatment procedure is used to treat several types of scars, particularly the rolling scars. Fibrous bands that force the skin to roll cause the rolling scars, leaving an undulated surface. The purpose of the subcutaneous incision is to break up the fibrous scar tissues. A local anesthesia is used in the process, where a special bevelled needle is inserted under the skin and parallel to the skin surface. The needle is used in a piston-like movement and carefully cuts the fibrous bands. The subcutaneous incision acne scar treatment requires several sessions before acquiring the desired results.

Be advised that this acne scar treatment may cause bruising that disappears after about a week. Dermal fillers are used as an acne treatment method to attenuate and prevent the formation of acne scars. Several substances may be used as dermal fillers, such as fat, hyaluronic acid derivatives, collagen, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen. These dermal fillers are injected underneath the acne scars, raising the scars to the level of the surrounding skin, obtaining a smoother look and feeling. The acne scar treatment using dermal fillers is not a permanent solution and may require periodic injections for maintenance.

Why? The answer lies in the fillers. For example, collagen is one of the substances used and it breaks down over time. Laser surfacing is the most popular method used for treating acne.

This method is also used to treat other skin problems such as age spots and wrinkles. There are several different procedures involving laser skin surfacing, but the use of carbon dioxide, Erbium YAG (ErYAG), and long pulsed erbium (YAG) lasers remain the most popular. Basically, what the laser does is remove the first skin layer by burning it to a specific depth. The removed skin is then replaced, upon healing, by a healthier skin. In general, acne patients are satisfied with the laser surfacing treatment to heal and correct acne scars. Laser surfacing is particularly recommended for very deep scarring.

Be advised that this acne scar treatment causes reddening of the skin and discomfort during the healing process. Acne scar treatments may do miracles on your skin, but you must know when you can do the treatment. Your skin must be free of active acne before you may consider acne scar treatment. So, what must you do first before undergoing acne scar treatment? Clear your skin!.

Resources of acne treatments can be found at: www.acnebesttreatments.comand here

LASIK Eye Surgery

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